Do you remember when you started coming to Boys & Girls Club? Were you excited?
“I was either in kindergarten or first grade when I first went to BGC. I was nervous because there would be a bunch of other kids – and I knew there were going to be some that I didn’t know. At the same time I was also excited because I knew most of the kids that went there. So now, that’s how I know a bunch of kids from different middle schools and elementary schools.”
What were you like as a little kid?
“I was way more goofy then I am now, and I was very honest. Too honest. I remembering we were at Summer Boys & Girls Club at East Heights. This one kid was being super annoying and I was like, ‘Leave me alone. Bye.’ I don’t let anyone get to me.”
Was there anyone at Boys & Girls Club who helped you always speak your mind?
“Oh yes, Ms. Keke. She told me that I should get my life together… and that I am a pretty smart and good kid.”
Who was your first friend from Boys & Girls Club?
“I always hung out with boys, but now I can’t remember my very first friend. I am surprised that I don’t remember. At the Teen Center, my best friends here are Donika or Azura. I’ve known Azura sense I first went to Kennedy in kindergarten. Then I met Donika a few years after that.”
Why did your parents want you to go to Boys & Girls Club?
“Because they had to work a lot. They knew that I would get close friends, and they wanted me to have fun, too. They wanted me to be happy. I know way more people because of the Club. There are some kids that are from different schools that I never heard of, but then I met them here was like, ‘Whoa you’re pretty cool!’”
Could you go home by yourself if you wanted to?
“I’m 12, so yeah I could just go home, but I choose not to. I don’t feel like making that long walk. Even if I went to Prairie Park, I would still sometimes want Robin or my dad to pick me up, but not until after BGC. Sometimes I’m like, ‘Oh my gosh it feels so good outside, I could walk home!’ But, my parents don’t want me to cross the streets. I like to come to Boys & Girls Club instead of going home. Everytime I come here, my dad or someone shows up to pick me up, and I don’t want to go home yet. Usually he gets there right in the middle of something! Seriously?!”
What makes you want to come here after school?
“Ok, got it! I’d say my top-three reasons are (performing in the) Lights On Talent Show, seeing my friends and playing basketball outside. In elementary school I didn’t play all the time, but I sometimes played it. There are just so many more things to do outside! I don’t know what to choose from!”
How do you feel about having a brand new indoor gym at the new facility?
“I’m so excited. I’m going to be like, ‘Can we go to the gym today?’ every single day. I see the workers working on the building everyday when we drive by on the bus.”
Your Lights On Talent Show career has become well known throughout Boys & Girls Club, how long have you been part of that BGC tradition?
“Hmmm I started it in third grade, so that’s four years in a row! I’ll do it next year, too. I’m not going to be able to wear tanktops again, though. My dad did not like that. I don’t take dance, I just started dancing at BGC. My family is one of those families who likes to get on the dance floor all the time.”
Do you ever wonder what would happen if you stopped coming here after school?
“I would be bored. I would also be sad because if there were any new people that came to the Club then I wouldn’t be able to meet them! Plus, I get to see the Central (Middle School) kids when I come here and most of them are my friends.”
If you could pick a favorite spot in this whole place – what is it? Why?
“Nine Squares In the Air! It’s really fun to win and beat all the boys. That’s one of the games that I beat them the most at. Yesssss. My sport’s motto is: no losing against boys.”
If you could pick a favorite staff member in this whole place – who is it? Why?
“Ms. Amy. She’s really outgoing, bright, and so happy! BUT you don’t want to get in trouble, I know that. She gives us freedom, too.”
For all those people who might give you crap about Boys & Girls Club being lame – what would you tell them?
“I would be like, ‘Hold up. No. You are completely wrong. You don’t go, so you can’t tell me that.’ First of all, Boys & Girls Club is actually a place where you get to see multiple different people that you never even knew about. Seriously, I’ve met people here that I didn’t even know went to my school! Also, I would say… ‘but it’s so fun! How do you think it’s boring?!’ Have you seen all those pictures you see of us going on field trips? You don’t get to go to places like that just with your parents. Boys & Girls Club is like your parents, but a little bit better. BGC takes you places that are pretty fun that you don’t normally go to, so I don’t what you’re talking about.”