Brandt – Boys and Girls Club of Lawrence


“If I didn’t come to BGC, I’d probably have really bad grades because at home I get really distracted doing my homework, but here I can focus and get it done during power hour. It’s really quiet and Mr. Ben helps us.”

Fun Pic
Brandt South Middle School

Do you remember when you started coming to Boys & Girls Club?
“Well, I think I was in kindergarten. We were at East Heights for Boys & Girls Club until like first or second grade. Then I went to Prairie Park, which was my school at the time, I went there from third grade up.”

What were your first impressions of the Teen Center?
“I thought it was alright. I definitely like it better at the Teen Center because there are a lot more fun things for me than at the other Boys & Girls Club.”

Was there anybody at BGC that helped you feel comfortable and welcome?
“I was really shy when I was little and Mr. Benny helped with me that. Whenever he was here. He was just fun to be around.”

Who is your best friend at BGC?
“Probably Levi, we became friends last year here at the Teen Center.”

Why did your parents want you to go to Boys & Girls Club?
“They both work till 5 p.m., and I would rather not ride the bus home alone. Plus, it’s fun here.”

You could probably go home by yourself if you wanted to, what makes you want to come to BGC everyday?
“It’s boring at home because I don’t have friends at my house like I do here. I’m there all the time.”

What makes you want to come here after school?
“Well at your home its boring unless you have like really fun stuff to do. All the staff members are nice and we have Mr. Ben, who helps you get your homework done.”

Do you ever wonder what would happen if you stopped coming here after school?
“If I didn’t come to BGC, I’d probably have really bad grades because at home I get really distracted doing my homework, but here I can focus and get it done during power hour. It’s really quiet and Mr. Ben helps us.”

If you could pick a favorite spot in this whole place – what is it? Why?
“The ping pong table because it’s fun for me. Only some of the staff members can beat me at it, and none of the kids can – unless they can hit it really hard. It’s also fun for me because I have a ping pong table at my house.”

Do you have a favorite staff member at the Teen Center?
“Ms. Amy because she’s really nice and fun to be around.”

For all those people who might give you crap about Boys & Girls Club being lame – what would you tell them?
“I’d tell them I like Boys & Girls Club because it’s fun and there’s nice people here. Also, coming here helps you keep your grades up!”

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