Countless hands, minds and hearts made this project possible. Special thanks to those our design team at TreanorHL, our construction team at Mar Lan Construction and our dedicated subcontractors. Watch the Don & Beverly Gardner Center for Great Futures grow from the ground up.
“This is, in my mind, the most important event taking place in the United States of America today. The reason it is so significant is because it’s about the future of this country. It’s about creating Great Futures for these teens and youth that will come through the doors of this beautiful facility every single day.”
Jim Clark, President and CEO of Boys & Girls Clubs of America
Increased space, improved technology and career exploration programs will entice kids to stay in Boys & Girls Club through middle and high school, deepening our level of impact.
Before plans for a new Teen Center took shape, the Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence was already dedicated to serving as many middle and high school students that the current facility could hold. Through the years, these kids have stuck by an over-crowded, aging building. Each of them can explain why. These kids are the reason for the Center for Great Futures.
Almost 50 years after Bobby Lee’s dream started to form, the Don & Beverly Gardner Center for Great Futures would undoubtedly make he and his fellow founders proud.
A multitude of generous individuals, businesses and foundations are committed to the youth in Lawrence and how this facility will benefit the entire community.