Celebrity Softball Weekend 2023

Join us for BGCLK’s Third Annual Celebrity Softball Weekend! We are so thankful to welcome back both team sponsors from last year, Grandstand Glassware + Apparel and CEK Insurance! This event would not be possible without their support. Tickets for both events can be found at https://softball23.givesmart.com. If you would like to nominate a local celebrity to play in the game on Saturday, fill out this form!
Fanfest Fundraiser
Date: Friday, August 4
Time: 7-10 pm
Location: Abe & Jake’s Landing
BGCLK invites you to a star-studded evening of delicious drinks, delectable hors d’oeuvres and a superb silent auction! If you don’t get to join us in person, you can still bid online in the silent auction! Celebrities will also get the chance to share their stories about how BGCLK has positively impacted their lives.
Celebrity Softball Game
Date: Saturday, August 5
Time: 6-8 pm
Location: Rock Chalk Park
Hey batter, batter! The 2023 Celebrity Softball Game promises to be an evening of fun for the whole family! That’s right—kids get in FREE and we’re throwing out the first pitch at 6 pm. The Grandstand Growlers will compete against the CEK Insurance Bat-itudes for two trophies: the team that fundraises the most on behalf of Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence will win the coveted “Champions of Great Futures” Trophy! The team who proves victorious on the softball field will go home with the “Celebrity Softball Champions” Trophy!