2018 Boys & Girls Club Basketball Tournament – Boys and Girls Club of Lawrence


Boys & Girls Club events are a terrific way to learn more about our programs, while simultaneously enjoying an unforgettable experience.


2018 Boys & Girls Club Basketball Tournament

April 14, 2018 – 09:00 AM –

Where: West Middle School
When: Doors open at 9:00 am; First game at 9:30 am
Cost: $5 for fans, $3 for BGC kids (who are not playing) and FREE for players, coaches and children 5 or younger.

It ALLLLLLL comes down to this!

Each of our 14 Boys & Girls Club elementary basketball teams will play a single-elimination quest for the crown! The Teens vs. Staff game will separate morning and afternoon bracket play. Concessions will be available for purchase and each player gets a tourney t-shirt!

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