2017 Lights On Talent Show

One debonair dance troupe from each of Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence’s 15 sites will hit the Lawrence Free State High School auditorium stage to showcase their moves to a designated theme.
Representatives from the Lawrence Arts Center and various BGC supporters will comprise the panel of judges tasked with scoring each dance, and ultimately, deciding who will claim the Lights On trophy at the end of the night. All 14 elementary school Club sites will compete for the title, each creating a three-minute boogie masterpiece for the panel to deliberate. The Teen Center crew will keep the audience captivated as the judges tally scores at the end of the night before the winner is announced.
Launched in October 2000, Lights On Afterschoolis the only nationwide annual event celebrating afterschool programs and their important role in the lives of children, families and communities. The national celebration of Lights On Afterschool Day is a tribute to the organizations across the country that keep their “lights on” after school hours. Approximately 8,000 afterschool programs are expected to participate in the 18th annual Lights On Afterschool, holding rallies, science fairs, fun runs, student performances, community service events, sports competitions and – in Lawrence’s case – a talent show.
The Afterschool Alliance organizes Lights On Afterschoolto draw attention to the many ways afterschool programs support students by offering them opportunities to learn new things—such as science, community service, robotics, theater and the experience of traveling sporting events. The events send a powerful message that millions more kids need quality afterschool programs. As a partner of the alliance and the largest afterschool program in Lawrence, the Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence works every day to help fill that need.