Boys & Girls Club Launches Over The Edge: Part Two

LAWRENCE, Kan. – No sooner had the ropes come down from the inaugural Over The Edge event, Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence officials were fielding questions about when the next one would take place. After months of planning – and a huge confirmation from Kansas football coach Les Miles – the Club is excited to announce the date for round two of Over The Edge is June 1, 2019.
The outpouring of community support that surrounded the event in August 2018, made the decision to host it again a simple one. The second installment already has tremendous backing from Lawrence. First Management signed on as the building sponsor once again, setting the stage, err, roof, for another 80-foot rappel from the roof of 888 Lofts (888 New Hampshire). Grandstand Glassware + Apparel took the leap as the title sponsor for the first year, and graciously agreed to sponsor the event in 2019.
That doesn’t mean the Club isn’t accepting new supporters. In fact, a brand-new Lawrence resident is already creating a buzz around his involvement. On the heels of an impressive signing day class and days before spring football kicks off, Kansas head football coach Les Miles is making headlines for his dedication to youth development. From the moment Miles was approached about rappelling down a building to benefit Boys & Girls Club, he was all about it.
“I am really excited to be a part of this,” Miles said. “The Lawrence community is very important to my family and myself – and Boys & Girls Club is very important to this community. Youth development that focuses on academic success and good character has been a passion of mine throughout my career. I’m happy to contribute to an organization with fundamentals so aligned with mine.”
The new leader of the Kansas football program is a seasoned veteran at rappel events. In 2013, Miles rappelled down a 24-story building (One American Place) in Baton Rouge to support an adoption-awareness campaign. He and his wife, Kathy, were well-known for supporting charitable causes during their tenure at LSU. It comes as no surprise that he was so quick to get involved with organizations in his new community.
The goal behind the unique fundraiser is recruiting as many individuals as possible to participate. Those individuals A.K.A. “edgers” must raise $1,000 among their friends, family and fans in order to secure their rappelling position. Edgers have between now and event day to raise the funds and work up the nerve to go down First Management’s seven-story building in Downtown Lawrence.
“I was very pleased by the support we got for this event last year,” Boys & Girls Club CEO, Colby Wilson, said. “And I’m excited again knowing that Coach Miles is on board for this year. It means a lot to me – and to everyone at Boys & Girls Club – that so many people in our community want to support our kids and our mission. Last year, we had a lot of teachers and school administrators, family members, Lawrence first responders, radio personalities and, of course, Coach Bill Self and his staff out there. I am thankful and hopeful that we can recruit even more people this year.”
Since 2008, Over The Edge Global has helped non-profits raise more than $80 million and put 43,000 fundraisers safely ‘Over The Edge’. Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence hopes to recruit participants of all ages and abilities. No experience is required in order to rappel, and there is no age requirement. Over The Edge sends professional, certified technicians to install and supervise all rappelling equipment and participants. The only parameter is participants must be between 100-300 pounds. People can rappel in wheelchairs, and only need to contact Alissa Bauer to secure the proper accommodations.
There will be limited rappelling spots available at this event for members of the media to go over the edge. To secure a spot for your news organization, please contact Alissa Bauer at 785.213.8165 or