Boys & Girls Club Asks Lawrence to Go “Over The Edge” For Local Youth

LAWRENCE, Kan. – Equipped with a team of dedicated supporters – led by Kansas men’s basketball head coach Bill Self – the Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence will bring its ‘fundraising to new heights’ with a unique Over The Edge event, Aug. 25.
Partnering with Over The Edge Global and First Management, Inc., Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence and its participants will be rappelling down the 888 Lofts building (888 New Hampshire) to raise funds. The goal behind the unique fundraiser is recruiting as many individuals as possible to participate. Those individuals A.K.A. “edgers” must raise $1,000 among their friends, family and fans in order to secure their rappelling position. Edgers have between now and event day to raise the funds and work up the nerve to go down the seven-story building in Downtown Lawrence.
“I am definitely going Over The Edge, willingly or not,” Boys & Girls Club CEO, Colby Wilson, said. “This is not your everyday auction or golf tournament. We wanted to expand our already awesome group of supporters. I’m really looking forward to seeing who we can engage with this. The timing lines up perfectly with the grand opening of our new facility, and we will have a lot of people we want to thank and have fun with. This event will help us do both.”
The Boys & Girls Club CEO will be in great company. Coach Self was among the first to ‘sign up to go down.’ The 15-year KU coaching veteran is fresh off his third Final Four appearance with the Jayhawks in 2018. He has long been involved with the Boys & Girls Club, not only in Lawrence but throughout his life.
“I participated actively in the Boys & Girls Club in Oklahoma City when I was young,” Self said. “With coaching, I’ve seen so many players, especially from the inner cities, that were involved – and in many cases saved – by the efforts of Boys & Girls Club. It’s something that is very near and dear to us.”
While Self and his wife, Cindy, have supported the Club for many years, this event will mark the first time he’s shown support in this particular way.
“I’ve never scaled a building or bungee jumped or done anything that is remotely comparable to what we’ll be doing on this day,” Self said. “But I’m excited and it’s for a good cause. Hopefully it will generate a lot of interest from a lot of people.”
Since 2008, Over The Edge Global has helped non-profits raise more than $70 million and put 52,000 fundraisers safely ‘Over The Edge’. While this is the first event of its kind in Lawrence, the closest OTE event happened down the Westar Energy building in Topeka in September 2015 for the Kansas Children’s Discovery Center.
Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence hopes to recruit participants of all ages and abilities. No experience is required in order to rappel, and there is no age requirement. Over The Edge sends professional, certified technicians to install and supervise all rappelling equipment and participants. The only parameter is participants must be between 100-300 pounds. People can rappel in wheelchairs, and only need to contact Alissa Bauer to secure the proper accommodations.
There will be limited rappelling spots available at this event for members of the media to go over the edge. To secure a spot for your news organization, please contact Alissa Bauer at 785.213.8165 or